10 Engraved Teaspoon Ideas You’ll Simply Love

 Jul 29 2018  Tea Fun
10 Engraved Teaspoon Ideas You’ll Simply Love

Whether you’re searching for a gift filled with sentiments or want something cheerful for yourself, we bet you’ll surely fall in love with these engraved teaspoons.

1) Mr. & Mrs.

Inviting your newly married best friend over a tea party? Get hold of these cutely engraved teaspoons before the party. Make them feel special by serving tea to the couple with these personalized “Mr.” and “Mrs.” teaspoons.

2) Health regime at its peak

Health regime at its peak

“Tea please….without sugar” – if this sounds like you, this zero-calorie spoon is a perfect fit that will deceive your calorie-conscious nature! Want some sugar? Just a little bit? Satisfy your sweet tooth with this spoon!

3) Something nice for those cozy wintery evenings

Something nice for those cozy wintery evenings

Just me, my super-soft blanket, and a strong cup of tea – Ahh…that’s when you’d want to stir your tea with this engraved teaspoon. Imagine the relaxation you get by just seeing this checklist of your favorite stuff: tea, book, blanket.

4) You’re beautiful – time to remind yourself again and again and again!

You’re beautiful – time to remind yourself again and again and again!

Stuck in gloomy days? Act proactively and get this engraved teaspoon right on your bed side table. As you stir your tea, see this text and remind yourself to smile.

5) An expression of love

An expression of love

Want to let your spouse know what they mean to you? Instead of speaking, why not get it engraved in a teaspoon? Try this out as the wedding anniversary gift: the perfect way to express your love (in words, but on a teaspoon!)

6) Alone? You can still enjoy the brew

Alone? You can still enjoy the brew

Are late sittings at work bothering you? We know your workload is a real brain drain! Instead of feeling deprived over drinking tea alone at work, cherish this “me time” by getting this engraved spoon.

7) Stir your tea like you mean it!

Stir your tea like you mean it!

We all have that one friend who stirs their tea till the smallest particle of sugar is perfectly dissolved in the tea. Do you have one too? Present them this and they’ll thank you for this!

8) It’s family time – the personalized way

It’s family time – the personalized way

Strong tea for the hubby

Black coffee for the brother

Hot chocolate for the little one

Too many preferences to remember, huh?

Worry not!

Keep these cutely crafted spoons in your kitchen. You’ll remember to make the tea, coffee, and hot chocolate without overburdening your mind!

9) The “no sugar” reminder

The “no sugar” reminder

Do you often regret accidentally adding a teaspoon of sugar into mum’s cup of tea? If yes, get her teaspoon engraved right away! We bet. You’ll never forget again.

10) The sweet surprise about the most awaited “Good news!”

The sweet surprise about the most awaited “Good news!”

Aww! What could be more adorable than that?! Surprise your hubby in a truly different way about the arrival of your first baby. Putting aside this cute engraved teaspoon on his saucer will melt his heart!

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