13 Ways Tea Can Make Your Day a Refreshing One

 Apr 29 2018  Health & Fitness
13 Ways Tea Can Make Your Day a Refreshing One

Since the dawn of time, tea has been an integral part of every man’s diet. The art of drying leaves and cooking them to drink their essence is an ancient one. By discovering that, humans just might have kickstarted the beginning of medicine as a science. All those tens of thousands of years ago, tea has helped numerous people with their health problems. Despite it being shunned, tea can still do that today.

Although primarily known as a refreshment, tea can help you get the most out of your body. Its effects on mental and physical health are pretty astonishing. Therefore, you can use it as a medical aid as well. But all these benefits can make you healthier and more refreshed. That should be the missing ingredient you need. Therefore, in order to point out the significance of tea, we’ve compiled a list of 13 different ways tea can aid you on your road to refreshment.

1. Endurance Boost

Tea can help you with your exercise routine. Antioxidants, main catechins from green tea, can help your body burn fat more efficiently. Moreover, these substances increase the efficiency of burning fat, which leads to better muscle endurance. This way, you can easily commit to becoming stronger, with an added natural supplement in your arsenal.

2. Reduced heart attacks risk

High blood pressure is the silent killer of our age. This condition affects tens of millions of people and takes just as many lives. High blood pressure can lead to strokes, heart attacks, and other dangerous condition. By drinking tea, you reduce the risk of these dangerous occurrences by a lot. It’s an investment for the future.

Reduced heart attacks risk

3. Cancer protection

Teas are filled with antioxidants, crucial substances that have many important roles within our organism. The first of these roles is the ability to tackle cancers. Breast, skin, lung, stomach, ovarian, prostate and many other cancers have shown signs of stopping growth during a period of tea consumption. This claim has been confirmed by many scientific studies.

4. Destroys free radicals

When it comes to free radicals, they’re our most secretive but most dangerous foe. They cause oxidative stress and often work hard to damage our DNA. Even though our bodies can fight free radicals on their own, they aren’t that effective. Therefore, you should take up drinking tea as a means to stop these radicals from causing cancer and many other dangerous conditions.

Destroys free radicals

5. Hydration

Tea is an excellent way of replenishing the water reserves of the body. Because the plants have merged their nutrients with the water, it’s safe to say that it’s the tastiest possible hydration available. You get the same amount of H2O like from regular water, as well as additional nutrients. Not a bad choice when you need refreshment.

6. Lowers the risk of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is something that plagues many people around the globe, resulting in deteriorating physical and mental health over the years. Many factors contribute to it, like smoking, body mass, and other more or less important factors. Tea is known to reverse the development of this condition in a major way. If you want to keep your body safe from Parkinson’s – give the tea a chance.

7. Protects from UV rays

Tea has an excellent influence on the skin, as well as other organs within the body. One of the main causes of skin cancer and sunburns are UV rays, which are at an all-time high due to holes in the ozone layer. Tea can protect you from sunburns and cancer.

Protects from UV rays

8. Keeps your weight in check

Several studies have indicated that tea does, in fact, help the body burn more fat as time passes. Moreover, it also prevents the appearance of metabolic syndrome, which leads to a whole new set of health problems. For a narrow waist, drink one cup of tea per day and you’ll burn fat much more efficiently.

9. Counteracts smoking

Smoking on a regular basis does so much damage to the human organism. For some people, it might be too late to have flawless lungs, but there is much you can do to reverse the damage. Tea has been known to repair the alveoli in the lungs and widen your throat. Thus, you can breathe more easily and have less smoking-related problems.

10. Benefits diabetics

We’re talking about type-2 diabetes mostly, but it goes for all types. Apparently, tea helps the body dissolve sugars more efficiently. Many people with more severe forms of diabetes don’t have the ability to process sugar within their body all that well. Tea can make your life much easier if you have diabetes.

11. Helps repair radiation damage

During our lives, we get exposed to radiation without even being aware of it. This can be detrimental to our skin and internal organs. However, if you choose to drink some tea on a daily basis, you can heal any damage whatsoever. Tea halts cellular degeneration and infused the skin with added elasticity and a healthy complexion. An ideal moment to drink tea would be after an X-ray.

12. Provides your bones with density and strength

Green tea, in particular, is pretty good at this facet of health maintenance. At an older age, we tend to have weaker cellular connections in our bones. If you drink tea while young, you get the chance to stop this process right in its tracks.

13. Battles stress

Many teas like green tea and Matcha tea have the ability to calm your mind down and help you cope with stress better. If you’re facing an especially stressing period, make sure you have a cup of tea every once in a while.

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